Monday 23 November 2009

Front cover and Contents Page Planning

Front Cover

I realise that the front cover of my magazine has to show certain things: the name of my magazine, what the reader can expect to find inside and obviously an image of the main topic being looked at in the magazine.

As for the name of my magazine I have decided to simply go with 'Sixth Form', this is because I wanted to have a simple name which made it clear who the magazine was for: sixth formers and I think that this name works as the name of a school magazine.

The image I have decided to go
with for the front cover is a picture of a student (possibly me) having trouble with school work of some kind because my double page spread will be about how the stresses of work can get to sixth formers even in the first couple of terms.

As for the apearance of the front cover I want to go with something that mimics an internet page such as Youtube or facebook because I realise that these days the average teenager will spend much of their free time at home on the internet and I thought that it would be a real eaye catcher if I mage my front page and contents page look like certain website home pages.

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